“I’m not a super A student – but I’m a C student in this course who got A results.”

Meet Anne Samoilov, a Blog that Converts graduate, and product launch manager. I asked her questions about Blog that Converts, and here’s what she said:

1. When working on your blog, what was your biggest struggle? And how did Blog that Converts help you overcome it?

The biggest struggle was understanding the type of posts that brings in the traffic and gets commented on.

I’m still not 100% but if I see my traffic dipping or I know I need more for a launch or something I’m promoting, I go into my Blog That Converts pocket and pull out any one of the blog post types that he teaches and make sure I have 1 a week published on the site…

Now, mind you I haven’t done this consistently yet – but every time I do it, it works.

2. What specific results have you achieved since enrolling in Blog that Converts? Please use hard numbers where necessary. If you don’t have any numbers, be as specific as possible.

Sales – Autoresponder email Derek teaches led to me filling my small coaching program – at least 5 specific people bought within days of me responding to them.

Traffic spikes – my traffic tripled during the month I did the 3 spotlight posts > spikes just as Derek had predicted. [Note from Derek: Spotlight Posts is one content archetype in Module 2]

Same thing happened the next month as I experimented with a few other types of posts.

List growth – instead of 1 or 2 a week – I’m getting an easy 10 subscribers per day without tweeting much – when I do more consistent sharing of posts (and not even the newest ones) – I get between up to 30ish per day.

For me this is huge – because the growth was definitely smaller and I didn’t have as much control over the growth.

Now – I feel like I can just decide to grow the list – get more traffic. I open up BTC and it’s a matter of spending some thought and time and writing posts that follow Derek’s advice.

With a list now just shy of 2k – still VERY SMALL – my conversion rate is HIGH. I raised the price of my first program from $97 to $497 and sold the same number of seats no problem. I’ve learned a ton and Derek is definitely part of that success!

I’m not a super A student – but I’m a C student in this course who got A results. Finally working on doing more of the post types on a consistent basis to keep the same traffic, sales, and engagement going. It’s a process and I’m excited to share more soon!

Another huge win – from the BTC training

um – dude. The “CS” Book – so worth the work [Note from Derek: the CS book is a content archetype in module 2]. Traffic was at all time high for the last 2 days – closing in on 100 new subscribers – which is unheard of in such a short window for me (less than 24 hours) – and traffic is at 1k uniques – again all time high for me on ANY POST in my site’s history…

PLUS – people are opting for a master class that starts a mini campaign – so there could be $$ conversions soon as well!

Anne Samoilov