“BTC is solving so many problems for me as a young family man with very limited time. I can’t tell you how stoked I am to see my dreams get closer every single day!”

Meet Deacon Bradley, who has a wife, a baby, and a full-time job. He enrolled in Blog that Converts with hopes of building his blog, and here’s what he had to say:

First of all, I’ve LOVED the BTC program. It’s solved a lot of problems for me so I’m super happy to share my experience. Here are my responses to your (enumerated) questions:

I then asked him to answer the following 5 questions.

1. What did you think about blogging BEFORE enrolling in Blog that Converts (BTC)?

I thought it was 90% about creating amazing content. That’s it. I create great stuff, share it through my network, and if I create something awesome enough then it will grow organically. People will show up to read what I have to say – it’s that good.

I did identify that guest posting was going to be a key activity. I’ve actually know that for a year, but I haven’t done it. Why? Because I don’t have the time or energy. I poured everything I had into my own amazing content. How was I supposed to then go and write guest posts for other people’s blogs also? It was overwhelming, and a little depressing.

2. What did you think about blogging AFTER going through the training?

I learned that 80% of my blogs success was NOT from creating content. Well that explains a lot, hah! I also learned how to maximize the impact of my efforts by seeing my strategy through the lens of “events”.

Example: Instead of writing three posts and spreading around the themes, I can write three posts targeted towards the same “event” [Note from Derek: The “event” strategy is one of the Promotional Strategies in Module 3] . Then I can create a resource page. Then I can guest post pointing back to that resource page. Each one makes the other posts better, and the overall impact of my content is multiplied!

3. What big problem were you facing BEFORE BTC? What from BTC helped you solved that problem?

Before BTC, I was having trouble establishing myself as an expert, and also generating traffic to my site show off my expertise. I knew that guest posting was going to be an important key to my success. I’ve known that for over a YEAR now, but haven’t done it once. Why? No time.

I’m incredibly serious about my blog (Life Stoked), but I also have a wife, a ten month old son, and a full time job. Getting content on my own blog is tough enough. There’s no way I could generate completely new content for someone else’s blog too!

BTC solved both of these problems with one solution: The SPS [Note from Derek: I cover this technique in Module 1!

– By creating my SPS, I was able to brand myself as an expert.

– By getting real people to use my SPS I got real-world proof that it works. Even more fuel for my expertise fire.

My SPS helps people get huge traction towards building their dreams by creating laser focus. While the effects do happen overnight, results worth writing a case study about are slower to materialize. Right now I have three successful, completed case studies, and another five that I’m hoping to wrap up soon.

Again, BTC is solving so many problems for me as a young family man with very limited time. I can’t tell you how stoked I am to see my dreams get closer every single day!

4. What specific results have you achieved as the result of this training? Please use hard numbers if applicable. If no numbers, just be as specific as possible.

My only regret so far is that I haven’t been able to execute as quickly as I wanted. I wanted to have all my case studies wrapped up and posted by now, but it takes some time for my SPS to produce measurable results.

What I DO have:

– I’ve worked with eight people through my SPS case studies. I haven’t worked with 8 people in the last year! People are genuinely interested in me helping them with my my sps. I’ve helped people get some great results, and they’re loving it! That has never happened with any other content I’ve created.

5. What would you tell another “new student” of Blog that Converts? What words of advice would you have now that you’ve gone through the program?

There are a lot of programs out there to help you grow your blog. I considered and researched a ton of them myself. I chose Derek’s course because he is the only one who doesn’t teach you to burn yourself out writing guest posts. I don’t have time for that! My time is extremely limited, and I need to spend it on high impact activities.

I couldn’t be happier with BTC. Derek taught me how to comprehensively handle strategy, marketing, and content in a framework that I can manage “on the side.” I have a wife, a baby, and a full-time job. Derek is a gifted teacher, and thanks to BTC I know what to do every single morning to get me closer to building my dream.

Deacon Bradley