“I can safely say that Blog that Converts, Converts!”

Meet Donna Moritz, a social media and visual marketing specialist from the Sunshine Coast in Australia. She enrolled in Blog that Converts with hopes of finding her voice and building her subscriber list. I asked her some questions and this is what she said:

When working on your blog, what was your biggest struggle?

I was struggling with finding my voice on my blog and building my subscriber list. It was growing steadily but not at the rate I had hoped. I was becoming known for a great “blog” about social media and had done a couple of successful guest posts. I had some wonderful paying clients but I wanted to move away from 1:1 consultations to online training. I was starting to do guest posts for major social media sites in America and Europe. But I was still finding my direction. I was at the point of wanting to develop products (ie online video training), but did not have clarity about who they would target.

And how did Blog that Converts help you overcome it?

I was referred to Derek’s blog by Amy Porterfield early in 2012, and I immediately added a feature box to my site which increased organic conversions to my list significantly.

But it was not until I decided to join Blog that Converts in late 2012 that I had a massive series of A-ha Moments and started to make some small but significant changes that have had huge results in traffic and subscribers.

What specific results have you achieved since enrolling in Blog that Converts?

* I ramped up my guest posts and went for quality, well respected blogs that I knew would send me quality traffic.

* Even in making some small changes on my blog and in the way that I am guest posting, my subscribers have officially doubled in November/December. Although my numbers still have a long way to go, that is a massive jump that I had not been able to achieve “gradually” in the first few months of 2012. It has coincided (not surprisingly) with my blog traffic doubling for unique visitors and and almost tripling in page views in November/December. All of these increases are from using Derek’s Traffic Spike method from Blog that Converts!

* I have had double the engagement (Tweets, Comments, Likes, Pins) on my posts in the last 3 months since pivoting my blog to focus on simple problems with simple actionable solutions. Just as Derek recommended – I now have a rule that my content needs to be (where possible) “insanely practical”. I was actually excited to be labelled a “simplicity activist” by one of my readers.

* I achieved visible results immediatelyby using Derek’s SPS to start blogging about, being interviewed about and guest blogging about visual marketing strategies and visual social media.

I knew that it had started to work when after only a short period of time, Amy Porterfield called me an “image expert” in her last webinar for 2012.

Then I was introduced in my last two expert interviews and an Online Social Media Summit as a Visual Marketing Expert (not just a social media expert).

I have also been contacted by the American Marketing Association to comment on Visual Social Media and I have had my most recent infographic on the shift to Visual Social Media featured by some of the biggest social media sites in the world, including Entrepreneur.com, Hubspot, Young Entrepreneur, Media Bistro, and Social Mouths.

Derek’s action tasks were thought-provoking and pressed my buttons, but the changes I made to my blog and my focus have had massive results that I expect are just a taste of what is coming in 2013.

* My clients and readers have attributed their own success to me with comments like this from a valued reader of my blog and now a subscriber (note: stats have continued to skyrocket since this post). I have more examples if you need them.