“Now that I’ve done BTC, I’m SO much more confident about blogging and enjoying it”

Meet Erika Lyremark. After she enrolled in Blog that Converts, I asked her to answer these 5 simple questions:

1. What did you think about blogging BEFORE enrolling in Blog that Converts (BTC)?

Even though I’m a good writer and I already had lots of satisfied customers, I struggled with how to write content that would satisfy me, help my readers and deliver results for them.

2. What did you think about blogging AFTER going through the training?

Now that I’ve done BTC, I’m SO much more confident about blogging and really enjoying it.

The thing is, I knew I didn’t want to ‘sell out’ and write only for the ‘numbers’. I wanted to be able to write from my heart– but I wanted that writing to speak to OTHER people in a way that would increase my reach and impact (and obviously grow my blog in the process).

I learned to do that and more in BTC.

3. What big problem were you facing BEFORE BTC? What from BTC helped you solved that problem?

Before BTC I had plenty of raving fans. One of the reasons for that is that I’ve been very ‘high touch’– meaning my customers and clients get a lot of attention from me.

This has helped them see the ‘real’ me– a person who is a thousand percent committed to their success.

My main problem, though, was getting the rest of the world to see that version of me.

In short, I wanted the outside world to see the inside Erika.

By giving me the templates you’ve used to make your blog so successful- literally the EXACT step-by-step ‘blueprints’ (thank you!)- you cleared the fog around my blog.

I now have a structure for my ideas and a way to convey my personality while still making my articles about my reader– not about ME.

4. What specific results have you achieved as the result of this training? Please use hard numbers if applicable. If no numbers, just be as specific as possible.

Before BTC, I never received more than a handful of likes or shares on my posts.

But a few weeks after starting your course, one post received 348 likes and 73 tweets!

So in case it’s not clear: Blog That Converts took me from a handful of shares to hundreds in a few weeks.

And even though every post is not quite as big a hit as the one mentioned above (and anyone who tells you that you can nail every single post without fail is lying– this takes practice!) I’m consistently getting a high share rate.

5. What would you tell another “new student” of Blog that Converts? What words of advice would you have now that you’ve gone through the program?

I’d say first of all that I found you, as a teacher, to be engaging and entertaining. So those are HUGE pluses about taking your course. I was really drawn in by your style, and never felt bored learning from you.

You’re a great storyteller, you use real-world examples that I can relate to, and you bring psychology into it which is always super fascinating to me.

My advice? Take advantage of the easy to access audios, videos and worksheets, listen to them again and again and AGAIN, until Derek forever changes the way you think about blogging (for the better).

Seriously– I have learned so much just from modeling you, Derek. And having this kind of behind the scenes access to you has been invaluable to me (and will continue to be, I’m sure, as I use the timeless principles I’ve learned going forward).

Thank you for offering such an invaluable course.

Also, just so I know who you are, please include a link to your blog, and anything else you think I should know about.

Erika Lyremark
CEO of Lyremark, a Boutique Business Agency