“Blog that Converts was instrumental to the relaunch of my business’ website.”

Meet Gabriela Pereira, who wanted to re-vamp her business and her website. I asked her some questions and this is what she said:

When working on your blog, what was your biggest struggle? And how did Blog that Converts help you overcome it?

In redesigning my blog/website, I faced three main challenges.

First, since I’m working on a book based on my business, one huge concern was building a platform and (in my specific case) this meant increasing the number of newsletter subscribers. The techniques about finding guest post opportunities, using a SPS as a way to attract visitors, and focusing on design as well as content helped me double my number of subscribers in the past five and a half months.

[Note from Derek: In Module 1 I reveal what I call the SPS technique. It’s a great way to position yourself as an expert. Then, in Module 3, I reveal THE RIGHT WAY to guest post on other websites. Most people do it wrong].

In addition, BTC helped me develop an SPS that I love and that has gotten great feedback from visitors.

Finally, before the relaunch, my website looked very much like a blog. My goal was to convert the site from a typical blog format to a website with a blog component. While BTC doesn’t specifically address this issue, one particular lesson in the course really resonated for me: Derek’s discussion about “Content is King” vs. “Design is King.” This idea that design is as important (or more important when visitors first arrive at the site) really resonated and was the basis for the entire website revamp. The results can best be expressed by looking at the before and after versions of the home page.

[Note from Derek: In Module 2, I walk through this whole discussion about content and design. Even though it’s about leveraging a specific type of content archetype, the discussion reveals a lot about blog design].

What specific results have you achieved since enrolling in Blog that Converts?

Between now and when I joined BTC (mid July), my number of subscribers has increased by 100%. The key BTC factors that helped me achieve this were the SPS I developed for my site, along with BTC strategies for finding guest post opportunities.

Another huge way in which BTC really helped me was in the development of my SPS. The SPS is now a major feature on the website and has the highest number of hits on the whole site, with the exception of the home page.

I had been thinking about the SPS concept for a while but it was only after doing Module 1 and brainstorming with the worksheets, that I realized this was my SPS and I had to make it part of the site.