“Blog That Converts helped me feel like I wasn’t nailing jello to the wall anymore!”

Meet Maya Mathias, who was struggling with finding a clear focus within her niche. I asked her a few questions and this is what she said:

When working on your blog, what was your biggest struggle? And how did Blog that Converts help you overcome it?

The biggest challenge by far was figuring out exactly how to “Divide and Conquer” my niche. [Note from Derek: In Module 1 I share what I call “The Divide and Conquer Technique.” It’s a great way to position yourself as an expert without pigeon-holing yourself and limiting future growth]

I’m a business leadership expert and, after working through an early worksheet from Module 1 of Blog That Converts, realized that many successful leadership “competitor” blogs out there…

Even though they get lots of traffic, I couldn’t find much evidence that they were offering content that really helped their readers take the next step and actually be able to DO something that made them better leaders.

Blog That Converts was great in helping me focus on specific leadership topics, and blogging about action steps that my readers could benefit from. Leadership is SUCH a vague & broad concept to begin with, and Blog That Converts helped me feel like I wasn’t nailing jello to the wall anymore!

I was able to identify topic areas where I could establish my expertise, and the Blog That Converts content creation techniques really helped me develop content that people find valuable.

What specific results have you achieved since enrolling in Blog that Converts?

– Just by using two of the content creation techniques from Blog That Converts, and Derek’s ‘perfect blog post’ outline, I recently wrote a blog post that got me 2.8 times more page visits in one week than in any week of the last 4 months.

– That same blog post also received 25 reposts & comments – my previous blog updates would be lucky to get more than 5 reposts.

– My page visits have tripled since I started using Blog That Converts techniques, and the % of new visits I’ve received has increased from 78.26% to 87.11% (a jump of 8.85%).