“Get ready to roll up your sleeves and learn.”

Meet Michelle Evans, who was OVERWHELMED by her blog and business. I asked her five questions and this is what she said:

What did you think about blogging BEFORE enrolling in Blog that Converts?

I had no idea where to start, how to do it or if it would work for me.

What did you think about blogging AFTER going through the training?

I saw how to structure a plan, how to structure posts and had a great idea of where to take my blog (although, I will admit, I still need a lot of practice)!

What big problem were you facing BEFORE BTC? What from BTC helped you solved that problem?

Overwhelm – I really wanted to build my blog, but had no idea how to go about it so I did nothing for 12+ months.

What specific results have you achieved as the result of this training?

I had just launched my blog, so I literally started at ZERO when we first started the course.

My first blog posts got a couple of people looking at them (my mom and my husband being those people!). Since Feb 18, 2013, I’ve been able to attract 357 unique visitors/634 visits with an average visit duration of 4:40.

And I was able to get my first spike on April 3rd of 144 people, which was exciting for my new blog that I’m still figuring out.

[Note from Derek: In Module 3, I walk people through what I call “Traffic Spikes” and how to engineer them. This is a great, and effective, blog promotion strategy].

What would you tell another “new student” of Blog that Converts? What words of advice would you have now that you’ve gone through the program?

Get ready to roll up your sleeves and learn. This is amazing content and I’ve gotten the most out of it by doing the exercises, trying things out, coming back to tweak and re-visiting the training if I need another reminder about the key points. Overall, I found the training well organized, easy to consume and helpful in terms of getting me in the right mindset to set out and build my blog.